District Bay Cruise

My favorite memory of Interact is by far the Bay Cruise. It was the perfect way to end the year with all the people I had worked with throughout my time at Interact. Not only was the food incredible, but the DJ was super fun. It was like going to a school dance just with Interactors, and what really made the night for me was the incredible view of the bay

Seeing San Francisco, the Golden Gate Bridge, and Sausalito shining along the water at night was absolutely breathtaking. The Bay Cruise was also a great way for me to get to know the next year’s board members, which made my transition into being an officer much smoother. If you’re interested in becoming more involved in Interact next year, celebrating all we’ve accomplished this year, or just having a great time with great people, I highly recommend you attend Bay Cruise- make sure you sign up before the April 30 deadline!